Will the ICOCIMS take place in person?
The ICOCIMS is a full-fledged, in person congress, that will take place in Parma (Italy), Nov 7 to Nov 9, 2024.


Will there be online or hybrid elements?
Physical participation is our priority this year.

What are the registration deadlines?
Abstract submissions, and other deadlines, will be announced later this year. Please, follow us on our social media to stay updated on any news: Instagram, LinkedIn.

Will I receive a certificate of attendance?
All participants who meet the attendance requirement by passing the attendance checks that will be in place during the congress will be issued a certificate of attendance.

Which competitions will be held?
There will be a competition for each oral and poster session. Authors can choose to present their study as an oral presentation or during the poster session. Please check the participation page for further information.

When will I know when I will deliver my presentation?
Oral presentations will be held on each day of the congress. Poster presentations will be all held on a single day. The specific day and time of your presentation will be emailed to you in the days leading up to the start of the congress.

Can I send in more than one piece of research?
Yes, you can send in as many abstracts as you wish. The abstracts will be considered individually for approval by the jury. Please fill in a separate abstract submission form for each individual piece of research.

Any abstract may be submitted for both an oral session and a poster session, in this case, please submit two forms.

Can a single piece of research be presented by two or more co-authors?

How much will it cost to participate to or attend the ICOCIMS?
Conscious of the limited funding most students and young professionals have access to, we aim to reduce and to charge as less fees as possible to our participants (neither presenters nor attendees).

Are travel grants available?
We do not currently plan of offering travel grants for this edition, but case-by-case exceptions may be made. If you think your case deserves consideration for an exception please write us an email at general.icocims@unipr.it.


You did not find an answer to your question(s)? Write us an email at general.icocims@unipr.it or text us via Instagram DMs @icocims!